
Monday Feb 06, 2023
Monday Feb 06, 2023
In this short episode you’ll learn:
Why Meta is having its developers shut down popular VR games
About a new way to get much higher resolution in VR goggles
What the NFL has planned in the metaverse leading up to the Super Bowl
Why your relatives will be conversing with a dead you in the metaverse sooner than thought
How virtual flirting might stop you from cheating in the real world
Why Web3 and NFTs might not be the answer for earning royalties artists hoped

Monday Jan 30, 2023
Monday Jan 30, 2023
In this short episode you’ll learn:
Why Microsoft threw in the towel on its metaverse world.
How sketchy the Federal Reserve Board still thinks crypto is.
How Amazon might get into the NFT business.
The most in demand Web3 skills employers are looking for.
How the NBA is making watching real games virtually even cooler.
How crypto investors think the metaverse is most likely to change how we do things.

Monday Jan 23, 2023
Monday Jan 23, 2023
In this short episode you’ll learn:
About some other dominos falling after the FTX debacle.
About Seoul, South Korea’s city metaverse for citizen services.
What Apple has in the works for the metaverse.
Why Dogecoin just earned some sustainability bragging rights.
Why it’s industry that might get the metaverse going more-so than consumers.
What those who have been doing their work inside the metaverse really think of it.

Monday Jan 16, 2023
Monday Jan 16, 2023
In this short episode you’ll learn:
The main thing that has to happen if Web3 is going to work and get adopted.
The results of a PwC survey about the workplace, employment, and the metaverse’s likely roles.
The big metaverse job openings at LEGO.
How Lenovo can get you into the metaverse with no headgear or wearables.
The companies working to make your digital avatars interoperable in different metaverses.
And some of the funny ways big name brands have tried to market themselves in the metaverse so far.

Monday Jan 09, 2023
Monday Jan 09, 2023
In this short episode you’ll learn:
How enterprises haven’t gotten the memo the metaverse is a bust
The results of Accenture’s big metaverse survey
What to watch for in Web3 this year
How a “Science Eye” might be what connects you to the metaverse
A way to not look quite as dumb to onlookers while you’re in virtual environments
What a next-gen metaverse casino has to offer

Monday Jan 02, 2023
Monday Jan 02, 2023
In this short episode you’ll learn:
Cryptocurrency predictions for 2023
How VR headset sales are going
The trends that will shape the metaverse over the next decade
The main reasons the metaverse hasn’t yet caught on with the masses
Which metaverse platforms seem to be doing best
What Home Depot is building for the metaverse

Monday Dec 19, 2022
Monday Dec 19, 2022
In this short episode you’ll learn:
How you might be getting a second skin for your virtual life.
How different virtual environments affect your mood.
Who wants to use the metaverse for travel, and how.
What the Bored Ape Yacht Club guys have planned for the metaverse.
Three bits of advice for businesses thinking about getting into the metaverse.
And some New Year’s predictions for the metaverse and Web3.

Monday Dec 12, 2022
Monday Dec 12, 2022
In this short episode you’ll learn:
If the metaverse won word of the year.
Who really, really doesn’t want the government to regulate the metaverse too much.
Who’s excited about the metaverse and understands it
Why the UK isn’t and doesn’t
Which metaverse lets you rent out your virtual land
What the founder of Ethereum thinks the top uses of crypto are

Monday Dec 05, 2022
Monday Dec 05, 2022
In this short episode you’ll learn:
Four big challenges the metaverse is facing
How many people came to the metaverse party the European Union threw
How smart contracts are being used in healthcare
The new way to make your avatar move as quickly and smoothly as you do
Which nation is more bullish than ever on crypto
Which industry the AR try-on experience is helping most

Monday Nov 28, 2022
Monday Nov 28, 2022
In this short episode you’ll learn:
What kind of metaverse talent Apple is looking for, and why
If women are getting a good seat at the table in metaverse leadership
Why the producer of Abba’s 3D show thinks technology is making us lonely
About legislation in New York that outright bans certain crypto mining
Whether or not Mark Zuckerberg is really going to quit Meta
Some ways we might handle our identities in all these metaverses